Tap Tempo Logic 9

broken image

Global Commands

  1. Logic/GarageBand EDIT CONTROL Undo action Redo action Quantize to grid value Toggle automation between Read mode and Touch mode TRACK CONTROL Select track. Tap tempo Scroll playhead position BROWSER CONTROL PLUG-IN CONTROL TRANSPORT.
  2. Adafruit Trinket - Mini Microcontroller - 3.3V Logic. Adafruit Pro Trinket - 5V 16MHz. Tap Tempo Trinket. By Phillip Burgess.
⇧R Record Toggle
⌘. Discard Recording and Return to Last Play Position

New in 2011 was the Deluxe Memory Man with Tap Tempo New in 2009 was the POG2, DMM XO version, Memory Boy, etc New in 2008 were so many pedals, like the Big Muff with tone wicker, the Voice Box, etc New in 2007 Germanium OD, Micro POG, New in 2006 are the EH 2880 super multitrack looper, HOG, little big muff, and Metal Muff. Logic Remote Touch and flow. Logic Remote lets you use your iPhone or iPad to control Logic Pro on your Mac. Use Multi-Touch gestures to play software instruments, mix tracks, and control features like Live Loops and Remix FX from anywhere in the room. Swipe and tap to trigger cells in Live Loops.

⇧↩ Play
, Rewind
⇧, Fast Rewind
⌃⇧↩ Play from Left Window Edge
/ Goto Position…
⇧= Set Rounded Locators by Regions/Events/Marquee
⇧⌘→ Move Locators Forward by Cycle Length
⌃⌥A Toggle Auto Set Locators
⌃↖ Go to Selection Start
⌃⌅ Go to Beginning
⌘' Create Marker Without Rounding
⌘↓ Delete Marker
⌥⌘↑ Set Locators by Marker and Enable Cycle
⌥⌘← Set Locators by Previous Marker and Enable Cycle
⌃⌘← Go to Previous Marker
⌃⌘/ Go to Marker Number…
C Cycle Mode
⌥S Set Solo Lock Mode
⌃⌥⌘S Solo off for all
⇧T Tap Tempo
⇧⌘L Lock/Unlock Current Screenset
2 Recall Screenset 2
4 Recall Screenset 4
6 Recall Screenset 6
8 Recall Screenset 8
⌃1 Recall Screenset 1x
⌃3 Recall Screenset 3x
⌃5 Recall Screenset 5x
⌃7 Recall Screenset 7x
⌃9 Recall Screenset 9x
⌥⌘I Import Project Settings…
⌥U Open Audio Project Settings…
⌘, Open Preferences…
⌘0 Open Event List…
⌘2 Open Mixer…
⌘4 Open Transform…
⌘6 Open Piano Roll…
⌘8 Open Environment…
⌥E Toggle Event Float
M Toggle Mixer
Y Toggle Hyper Editor
B Toggle Bin
⌥L Toggle Library
W Toggle Sample Editor
T Toggle Tempo List
U Toggle Signature List
⌥X Open System Performance…
⌥K Open Key Commands…
⌥⌘O Open Movie…
⌃⌘A Toggle Current Track Automation Latch/Read
⌃⇧⌘R Set All Tracks to Automation Read
⌃⇧⌘L Set All Tracks to Automation Latch
⌃⌥⌘A Toggle Automation Quick Access
⌥⌘G Open Group Settings…
⌘W Close Window
Select Previous Track
⌘N New…
⌥P Project Settings…
⌘S Save
⌘P Print
⌥⌘E Export Selection as MIDI File…
⇧⌘E Export All Tracks as Audio File…
⌘Q Quit
⇧⌘Z Redo
⌘X Cut
⌘V Paste
⌘M Minimize Window
⇧⌘I Import Audio File…
[ Previous Plug-in Setting or EXS Instrument
⇧[ Previous Channel Strip Setting of selected Track
⌥⌘V Paste Channel Strip Setting
V Hide/Show All Plug-in Windows
⇧* Record Toggle
⌘. Discard Recording & Return to Last Play Position
0 Stop
, Rewind
⇧, Fast Rewind
⌃⌅ Play from Left Window Edge
⌃= Set Locators by Regions/Events/Marquee
J Swap Left and Right Locator
⇧⌘← Move Locators Backwards by Cycle Length
⇧⌅ Play From Selection
⌃↖ Go to Selection Start
⌃⌅ Go to Beginning
⌘' Create Marker Without Rounding
Tap Tempo Logic 9
⌃⇧⌘R Set All Tracks to Automation Read
⌃⇧⌘L Set All Tracks to Automation Latch
⌃⌥⌘A Toggle Automation Quick Access
⌥⌘G Open Group Settings…
⌘W Close Window
Select Previous Track
⌘N New…
⌥P Project Settings…
⌘S Save
⌘P Print
⌥⌘E Export Selection as MIDI File…
⇧⌘E Export All Tracks as Audio File…
⌘Q Quit
⇧⌘Z Redo
⌘X Cut
⌘V Paste
⌘M Minimize Window
⇧⌘I Import Audio File…
[ Previous Plug-in Setting or EXS Instrument
⇧[ Previous Channel Strip Setting of selected Track
⌥⌘V Paste Channel Strip Setting
V Hide/Show All Plug-in Windows
⇧* Record Toggle
⌘. Discard Recording & Return to Last Play Position
0 Stop
, Rewind
⇧, Fast Rewind
⌃⌅ Play from Left Window Edge
⌃= Set Locators by Regions/Events/Marquee
J Swap Left and Right Locator
⇧⌘← Move Locators Backwards by Cycle Length
⇧⌅ Play From Selection
⌃↖ Go to Selection Start
⌃⌅ Go to Beginning
⌘' Create Marker Without Rounding
⌘↓ Delete Marker
⌥⌘↑ Set Locators by Marker and Enable Cycle
⌥⌘← Set Locators by Previous Marker and Enable Cycle
⌃⌘← Go to Previous Marker
⌃⌘/ Go to Marker Number…
/ Cycle Mode
⌥S Set Solo Lock Mode
⌃⌥⌘S Solo off for all
⇧T Tap Tempo
⇧⌘L Lock/Unlock Current Screenset
2 Recall Screenset 2
4 Recall Screenset 4
6 Recall Screenset 6
8 Recall Screenset 8
⌃1 Recall Screenset 1x
⌃3 Recall Screenset 3x
⌃5 Recall Screenset 5x
⌃7 Recall Screenset 7x
⌃9 Recall Screenset 9x
⌥⌘I Import Project Settings…
⌥* Open Recording Project Settings…
⌥V Open Video Project Settings…
⌥A Open Automation Preferences…
⌘1 Open Arrange Window…
⌘3 Open Score Editor…
⌘5 Open Hyper Editor…
⌘7 Open Transport…
⌘9 Open Bin…
E Toggle Event List
N Toggle Score Editor
P Toggle Piano Roll
O Toggle Loop Browser
F Toggle File Browser
⌥M Toggle Marker List
⌥⌘T Adjust Tempo using Beat Detection
⇧W Open in External Sample Editor
⌥⇧T Open Tempo Operations…
⌥C Open Color Palette…
⌃⌘O Toggle Current Track Automation Off/Read
⌃⇧⌘O Set All Tracks to Automation Off
⌃⇧⌘T Set All Tracks to Automation Touch
⌃⌘E Automation Event List…
⌘G Toggle Group Clutch
O Clear Overload Flag in Audio Channel Display
Select Previous Track
⌥P Project Settings…
⌘E Export Track as Audio File…
⌘B Bounce…

Tap Tempo Logic 90

⌘Z Undo
⌥Z Undo History…
⌘C Copy
⌘A Select All
⇧⌘M Zoom Window
] Next Plug-in Setting or EXS Instrument
⇧] Next Channel Strip Setting of selected Track
⇧[ Previous Channel Strip Setting of selected Track
⌥⌘V Paste Channel Strip Setting
V Hide/Show All Plug-in Windows

Control Surfaces

⌘L Learn new Controller Assignment

Various Windows

⌥G Configure Global Tracks
⌃⌥→ Zoom Horizontal In
⌃⌥↓ Zoom Vertical In
I Hide/Show Inspector

Tap Tempo Logic 9 Pro

⌃O MIDI Out Toggle
⇧⌘Y Hyper Draw: Disable
+ Increase Last Clicked Parameter by 1

Windows Showing Audio Files

⇧⌘R Show File(s) in Finder
Space Play/Stop Selection

Arrange & Various Editors

⇧I Invert Selection
⌥⇧F Select All Following of Same Track/Pitch
⇧O Deselect Outside Locators
⇧U Select Empty Regions
⇧H Select Equal Channels
⇧M Select Muted Regions/Events
L Loop Regions/Folders on/off
⌃⇧Q Undo Quantization
⇧- Note Force Legato (selected/any)
⇧↓ Select Lowest Notes
⇧⌘V Paste Replace
⌃= Merge Regions/Notes
Split Regions/Events by Locators or Marquee Selection
Split Regions/Events by Rounded Playhead Position
⌘[ Set Region/Event/Marquee Start to Playhead Position
⌘] Set Region/Event/Marquee End to Playhead Position
⌥→ Nudge Region/Event Position Right by Nudge Value
⌥← Nudge Region/Event Position Left by Nudge Value
⌥⇧→ Nudge Region/Event Length Right by Nudge Value
⌥⇧← Nudge Region/Event Length Left by Nudge Value
⌃⌥D Set Nudge Value to Division
⌃⌥M Set Nudge Value to Bar
⌃⌥H Set Nudge Value to 0.5 SMPTE Frame
⌃⌥1 Set Nudge Value to 1 ms
⌥↑ Event Transpose +1
⌥⇧↑ Event Transpose +12
⌃⌥R Event Position and Length in SMPTE Units
⌃⇧S Snap Mode: Smart
⌃⇧B Snap Mode: Beat
⌃⇧T Snap Mode: Ticks

Tap Tempo Logic 9 X

⌃⇧W Snap Mode: Samples
⌃⇧V Snap to Absolute Value
⌃⇧N Drag Mode: No Overlap
⌃⇧L Drag Mode: Shuffle L

Arrange Window

Select Previous Region on Selected Track
⇧⌘F Pack Folder
⌃⌘⌫ Delete Visible Automation on Selected Track
⌃⌘↑ Move Visible Region Data to Track Automation
⌃⇧⌘↑ Move All Region Data to Track Automation
⌃⌘F Pack Take Folder
⌃⇧⌘U Unpack Take Folder to New Tracks
⌥Q Toggle Take Folder Quick Swipe Comping Mode
⌥⌘X New Track with Next Channel Strip/Instrument
⌥⌘↩ New Track with Same Channel Strip/Instrument
⌃B Bounce Regions in Place
⌃D Drum Replacement/Doubling
⌃H Hide Current Track and Select Next Track
⌃M Toggle Track Mute
⌃S Toggle Track Solo
⌃⌥⌘↑ Individual Track Zoom Out
⌃Z Auto Track Zoom
⌃⌥⌫ Individual Track Zoom Reset For All Tracks
⌃⇧= Merge Regions per Tracks
⌃⌘Z Insert Silence Between Locators (Global)
⌃⌘V Splice: Insert Snipped Section at Playhead (Global)
⇧⌘T Move Selected Regions to Selected Track
⌥⇧⌘R Move Region to Original Record Position
⌥⌘F Convert Regions to New Audio Files
⌥⌘L Time Stretch Region Length to Locators
⌃X Strip Silence…
⌃Q Apply Quantization Destructively
⇧⌘B Set Optimal Region Sizes Rounded by Bar
⇧- Trim Region End to Next Region
⌥] Shuffle Regions Right within Selection
⌃C Crop Regions outside Locators or Marquee Selection
⌘F Hide/Show Flex View
⌥⇧N Name Regions by Tracks/Channel Strips
⌃⌥= Waveform Vertical Zoom In
⌥T Configure Track Header


⇧X Cycle Through Mixer Modes (Single, Arrange, All)
⇧C Select Equal Colored Channel Strips
Select Previous (Left) Channel Strip
⌥⌘N Create New Auxiliary Channel Strips
⌃T Create Arrange Tracks for Selected Channel Strips
⌃⌥⌘V Paste Audio Configuration
⌃C Hide/Show Cables
⇧I Invert Selection
⇧→ Select Cable Destination
⌃V Send Selected Fader Values

Score Window

⌃P Page View
⌃X Explode Polyphony
⌃R Hide/Show Page Rulers
⌥⇧⌘V Paste Multiple
Previous Event
Previous Staff
⌃⌥Y Defeat Syncopation
⌃⌥I Defeat Interpretation
⌃↓ Stems: down
⌃⇧↑ Ties: up
⌃B Beam Selected Notes
⌃C Assign Channels based on Score Split
⌃⌥⇧I Open Score Set Window
⌃⌥⇧N Settings: Numbers and Names
⌃⌥⇧C Settings: Clefs and Signatures
⌃⇧. Insert: Decrescendo

Event Window

Select Next Event
⇧V Copy Value to All Following Events

Hyper Editor

⌃⌫ Delete Event Definition
⌃V Paste Event Definition
Select Next Hyper Definition

Audio Bin

Select Previous Audio File
⌃F Add Audio File…
⌃⌫ Delete File(s)
⌃B Backup File(s)
⌃M Move File(s)
⌥↓ Show All Regions
⌃X Strip Silence…
⌃E Export Region Information

Sample Edit Window

⌃⌥⌘˽ Play/Stop All
⌃⇧˽ Play/Stop Region to Anchor
⌃B Create Backup
⌥⌘S Save Selection As…
⌃⇧→ Go to Selection End
⌃→ Go to Region End
⌘← Go to Previous Transient
⇧← Set Selection Start To Previous Transient
Set Selection End To Previous Transient
⇧⌘← Selection Start and End to Previous Transient
⌥⌘← Selection Start and End to Previous Transient and Play
⌥⌘→ Selection Start and End to Next Transient and Play
⌘= Increase Number of Transients
⌃⌥⇧← Select All Previous
⌃R Create New Region
⌃G Change Gain…
⌃O Fade Out
⌃⇧I Invert
⌃T Trim
⌃P Time and Pitch Machine…
⇧P Search Peak
⌃A Lock Arrange Position when moving Anchor

EXS24 Instrument Editor

⌃F Load Audio Sample…
⌃G New Group
⌥← Shift selected Zone(s)/Group(s) Left
⌥⇧← Shift selected Zone(s)/Group(s) Left (Zones incl. Root Key)
⌥⇧→ Shift selected Zone(s)/Group(s) Right (Zones incl. Root Key)
⌃O Load Multiple Samples…

Unassigned but Way Cool

⌥⇧D Set Next Higher Division
⌃⌥⌘1 Save As Zoom 1
⌥⌘Z Zoom To Fit Locators
⌃⌥⌘← Navigation Back
⌃⇧P Scroll In Play
⌃- Select Overlapped RegionsEvents
⇧4 Create Two Nodes At Region Borders
⇧⌘D Delay In Ms
Apple Logic Pro X Tips & Techniques
  • DAWs >Logic

Screen 1: Once you have dragged a folder of samples onto the Loop Browser the Untagged Loops Tab will appear.

Logic's new Smart Tempo features can be useful when using third‑party loops in your productions.

A significant requirement for a contemporary music production environment is that it should make it easy to audition and collage audio content at a tempo chosen by the composer. In this month's Logic workshop we look at how to add your third‑party sample libraries and loops to Logic's Loop Browser so that they can be previewed and imported at the project tempo. We then look at how to configure your settings for importing audio so tempo and beat markers are detected, allowing it to be time‑stretched to the project tempo.

Loop De Loop

The Logic 10.4 update has some great new features to help preview sample content. You can now preview loops from a third‑party library at your chosen project tempo. To do this you will need to use the Untagged Loops option within the Loop Browser, however it is a little hidden. Navigate to the Apple Loops tab located within the Loop Browser. To reveal the Untagged Loops Tab you need to add your sample content to it first. To do this, simply drag a folder of samples onto the Loop Browser or, alternatively, from the Browser's All Files tab, Ctrl‑Click on a folder of samples and choose the option ‘Add to Untagged Loops' (see Screen 1). In order to preview the samples in time, the loops must start on the downbeat of a bar and be at a constant tempo. You will get a pop‑up explaining this but, luckily, most commercially available loop libraries will already conform to these restrictions.

Once you have added a folder, Logic will analyse the content for its tempo and number of beats and populate the corresponding columns accordingly. By default you can now click on one of the analysed samples to audition it at your chosen project tempo. This makes auditioning third‑party loops a breeze. Do note that if the sequencer is already playing, it will wait for the next bar before auditioning your loop. Helpfully, the file will automatically loop, and at the bottom of the browser there is a waveform display so that you can easily see the playhead position within the loop. If you want to turn off the tempo‑synchronised audition you can configure the audition settings from the Action Pop‑up Menu at the bottom of the browser. Alternatively, you can or Ctrl‑Click in the browser area and then go to Preview and Change it from At Project Tempo to At Original Tempo. The Project Settings / Audio / General tab also has a setting specifically for Apple Loops called High Quality. According to Apple this enables an improved playback algorithm, so it's worth ticking that box.

Smart Tempo

Adding folders of carefully organised samples to the Untagged Loop Tab is a great new feature but there are times when you may want to add individual audio files that are not perfectly truncated samples. Fortunately, with the addition of Smart Tempo into Logic 10.4 it can now detect and stretch pretty much any tempo to fit your project. In a new Logic project drag an audio file such as a song onto an audio track. Logic will add an audio region to the audio track but will not yet stretch the tempo of the song to conform to the project tempo.

To change this behaviour go to File / Project Settings / Smart Tempo and click on the field ‘Set Imported Audio Files To'. This has four options: ‘Off', ‘On', ‘On + Align Bars' and ‘On + Align Bars and Beats'. The last three are subtle variations of the same thing. In simplistic terms, setting the field to ‘On' means any new audio file added to the project will have its tempo analysed and time‑stretching turned on, but will use Flex markers to do the stretching. This is the legacy 10.3. behaviour. ‘On + Align Bars' is the same as ‘On' but this time Logic uses the new Smart Tempo Bar markers rather than Flex markers to stretch the audio to the grid. ‘On + Align Bars and Beats' is the same as the previous entry but with the addition of Beat markers. For now, set this parameter to ‘On' and then drag the same audio file into Logic onto the audio track. Logic analyses the tempo of the audio file and automatically sets the Flex and Follow region parameter to ‘On' so that the region is time‑stretched to conform to the project tempo. You will see any time‑alignment adjustments are performed by automatically adding Flex Markers.

Off The Grid

Now find an audio file of a song where the tempo drifts. Set the File / Project Settings / Smart Tempo / ‘Set Imported Audio Files To' field to ‘On + Align Bars and Beats' and import the song by dragging and dropping it onto an audio track. In order for Logic's tempo detection to know there are changes in tempo, open the File Tempo editor and change the Tempo field from Constant to Variable. Now, move any Bar or Beat marker that is not aligned to the song's drum hits/transients by using the Move Marker node (second from top).

When importing audio, setting the Set Imported Audio Files field to ‘On + Align Bars and Beats' tethers the Flex Mode in the Region Inspector to the same option. Now as you move a Bar or Beat marker in the File Tempo Editor observe how those adjustments are reflected in the accompanying audio region in the Workspace area. The key difference between the ‘On' and the ‘Align Bars and Beats' setting is that the latter uses the Bar and Beat markers to stretch the audio file, whereas the former uses Flex Markers.

Tap Dance

As with other platforms, tempo detection in Logic is not always going to calculate the tempo correctly every time. When you first import an audio file you will get the Edit Downbeat and Tempo pop‑up. Click Show to bring up the File Tempo Editor. Alternatively, you can call up the File Tempo Editor at any point in your session by double‑clicking on an audio region and choosing the File Tempo tab from the editor underneath the Workspace.

Screen 2: An example of a simple test drum beat that will cause Logic's downbeat detection to give an incorrect result.

Sometimes the detected Tempo will be out by a factor of two. For example, a half‑time Trap drum beat at 140bpm may well get detected at 70bpm. To change the tempo of the audio file, go to the Tempo field and type in a new value or use the x2 /2 buttons to quickly double or half the tempo. Logic sometimes detects the first downbeat incorrectly. To understand how to correct this let's first recreate the problem. Program a simple drum beat in another piece of software where the first bar has a rest at bar 1 beat 1 and then add three hi‑hats on beats 2, 3 and 4. Now program a normal drum beat from bar 2 onwards (see Screen 2). Bounce and import it into Logic and open the File Tempo Editor.

In this example Logic incorrectly detects the first downbeat as the hi‑hat that plays at bar 1 beat 2. The downbeats are displayed with a bright orange vertical line and the beats as darker orange lines. To move the detected downbeats to the right location hover the mouse over the first downbeat marker until you see a series of nodes and, to move all the markers, use the lowest node and click and drag this a beat to the left (see Screen 3). Now the bar and beat markers are correctly aligned. For more abstract material where the detection struggles to define any useful markers you can use keyboard shortcuts to insert your own markers. Ensure you have the File Tempo Editor selected and click the Preview button (a speaker icon) to begin playback of the audio file. While listening to the audio use the D shortcut key to tap in downbeat markers and the T shortcut key to add beat markers.

Screen 3: To move the downbeat to the correct position simply open the File Tempo Editor and use the Move All node to move the downbeats to the correct time location.

Although the features covered in this month's workshop are less headline grabbing than the new Smart Tempo recording additions they are the sort of bread‑and‑butter, time‑saving features that make the 10.4 update a must‑have for anyone wanting to work with beat‑synchronised audio.

Published July 2018

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